Russian taster sessions in Inverclyde Academy

What is Russia famous for? What words are similar in Russian and English and could you try and read those in Cyrillic? In how many countries Russian is spoken as the first language by many people?

These and other questions were discussed at the Inverclyde Academy with S3 students during the Russian taster sessions provided by Natalya Krisanova, the passionate and highly experienced teacher from Russian Centre in Scotland Haven .

Helped by her daughter, Dasha, S6 student of Boclair Academy, they provided the individual approach as much as possible.

By the end of each session, students were even able to write their names in Cyrillic, read in Russian and make a short dialogue, and students got their 'matryoshka' stickers as small awards.

Natalya and Dasha also inspired the students to learn languages by their knowledge of 4-5 languages. Dasha last year got four A at her language Highers.

The feedback from the students as Sarah Bell, the Principal Teacher of the Academy wrote was 'overwhelmingly positive. Many of those who did do the Russian also highlighted it as the aspect they most enjoyed'.